— Soft Computing 2017
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— MICAI 2016 Pelayo, Dafne Rosso; Pacheco, Joel Armando Colín; Miralles-Pechuán, Luis. Emotion Analysis in Gasoline Consumption in Mexico using Machine Learning. Advances in Computational Linguistics, p. 8.
· — SOFTWARE GURU. Rosso Pelayo Dafne. Descubriendo y Describiendo Patrones de Datos. Software Guru, No.23 • Febrero - Abril 2009. Pg.28-31.
— MICAI 2010. Rosso Pelayo Dafne, Trejo Ramírez Raúl, Miguel Gonzalez Mendoza, Neil Hernandez Gress. Business Process Mining and Rules Detection for Unstructured Information. Proceedings of the 2010 Seventh Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
— CONCIBE 2009. Rosso Pelayo Dafne, Trejo Ramírez Raúl. Detecting Associations Between Business Processes and Unstructured Information.
— MICAI 2008. Rosso Pelayo Dafne, Trejo Ramírez Raúl. Business Process Mining by Means of Statistical Languages Model Proceedings of the 2008 Seventh Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Pages 404-407 . ISBN:978-0-7695-3441-1
— MICAI 2008. Rosso Pelayo Dafne, Trejo Ramírez Raúl. A Soft-Computing Based Method for Business Processes Model Generation Based on Organizational Text, 2008. Doctoral Consortium of the 2008 Seventh Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
— ITESM 2007. Rosso Pelayo Dafne, Trejo Ramírez Raúl. Planteamiento de un algoritmo genético para la optimización de la distribución de productos que comparten un mismo canal de distribución .Resúmenes del 38° Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Pagina 425.